Neuroscience of Learning
We study the neural mechanisms of learning and memory. A major focus of our research is to identify neural circuit interactions that contribute to associative motor learning in rats and mice. We are currently examining interactions between the prefrontal cortex, hippocampus, amygdala, and cerebellum during associative learning. Techniques used in our lab include multiple tetrode recording, multisite spike and local field potential recording, optogenetics, DREADDs, functional imaging, neuroanatomy, electrical stimulation, and localized drug infusions.

Neuroscience of Categorization
We also study the neural mechanisms of visual categorization in rats and humans. We are particularly interested in the respective roles of the prefrontal cortex, hippocampus, and caudate nucleus in category learning. We use various neuroscience methods combined with touchscreen behavioral tasks.

Comparative Cognition
We study various aspects of cognition in in birds, rodents, and humans in collaboration with Ed Wasserman, Vladimir Sloutsky, Bradley Love, and Brandon Turner. Our collaborative projects study the evolution of attention, categorization, and abstract concepts. We use various behavioral methods and computational modeling.